
Sunday, 24 August 2014


A perfect story update to announce the last ever Bald Truth Jersey post - and more importantly - the launch of a brand new blog project next week...

There can surely have been no more chilling blog posts this past year revealing the true, dire dysfunction of both the current Jersey police 'leadership' and what is passed off as our 'judicial' system than what was laid bare for us by Investigative Journalist, Rico Sorda recently regarding the horrific threats to his then pregnant wife: threats made by a 44 year old convicted petty criminal - Jon Sharrock Haworth. A 'man' as it happens who has also harassed my wife and I for years.
For here we had not just the usual cowardly, anonymously or fake avatar-posted abuse which allows the Jersey police under their Chief Mike 'I do take cyber crime seriously but clearly not as seriously as my lunchtime PR stroll down King Street' Bowron to do nothing to protect the victims. But instead actual, stomach-churning recordings of a middle-aged thug: manically giggling like a deranged pre-pubescent girl as he revelled in bragging about how he was going to 'f**k' an innocent women's career for no other reason than his own warped hatred and desire for 'revenge'.

And not just this of course

Haworth  was also bragging about how he had access to Mr Sorda's private Income Tax details! Details which - it should never be overlooked - all States employees having access have to sign up to swear to protect under Data Protection secrecy. Haworth's consequent attempts upon being exposed to try and con people that this was all just a joke are, of course, so pathetically desperate as to be laughable. Who does he really think he is fooling?

The recordings, truly unpleasant as they are, can be found on Rico Sorda's blog and I suggest all readers give this a listen simply in order that they may hear and understand the depth of the sickening hatred which our police 'leadership' and Attorney General obviously - as I shall explain below - view as wholly trivial and not worthy of action. For what did our police 'leadership' do about such appalling threats to Mrs Sorda and the clearly illegal activity regarding the Sordas' tax details under the Island's Data Protection Law?

The answer of course - no doubt to the acute frustration of most honest 'bobbies' on the ground busy doing their genuine best for the public - was absolutely nothing. Incredible? Definitely. But really - given the dramatic collapse in standards since former Police Chief Graham Power was shafted by the Jersey Establishment for attempting, along with his Deputy, SIO Lenny Harper, to finally investigate decades of State concealed child abuse - probably wholly predictable.

Once again the Jersey 'Judiciary' revealed as the Snake's Head
You see I was told directly by a female police sergeant just two weeks ago (I can't yet give full details given that I am in the process of an official complaint about certain matters) that 'instructions' have apparently come down from the Attorney General that 'only' harassment of the most serious kind will be acted upon. The sickening and cowardly abuse that I - and at least EIGHT others I am aware of - have filed complaints about with the police regarding the same abuser of Mrs Sorda are apparently just 'playground stuff'!

Yes, remember those words: 'playground stuff' - the true Jersey police attitude to the harassment of people lurking behind the PR propaganda of protecting the community without fear or favour. Indeed, the same officer also claimed to me that the harassment law had 'never been intended' to be used to deal with thugs hiding their identity to abuse their victims over the internet etc. Funny then I suggest how both a lawyer and a senior police contact from the UK confirm to the contrary?

Spreading lies about victims having unpleasant diseases; about victims having committed serious but wholly fictitious crimes; sending false allegations to victims employers - even mocking the death of a loved one on the very day of their passing away to try and cause distress... Yes, it is all just 'playground stuff' to the caring leadership of the Jersey police apparently. Really - whatever were Mr and Mrs Sorda doing wasting police time about the bullying abuse they were suffering? Didn't they know how 'the law' works in Jersey circa 2014?

The truth is in Jersey 'laws' are applied only according to who a person is
As to the six million dollar question of exactly what will ever be seen as 'serious' enough harassment for our police to act upon I would suggest that we can only assume from the above response that this will likely be when some poor, vulnerable person ends up taking their own life: takes their life because the Jersey police and our current Attorney General will not do the job they are paid by the people of Jersey to do.

Who, I wonder, will get the blame or be held accountable then? The history of 'the Jersey Way' being what it is I would further suggest the answer will still be no one. Instead the ranks will once more close and the standard 'lessons have been learnt'; 'we need to move on and look forward - not apportion blame' lines will be rolled out yet again to ensure the guilty are not held accountable for their failures.

In Establishment Jersey it seems you even risk being penalised simply for standing up against those who abuse you

You see perhaps even more worrying for the likes of the wholly innocent Mrs Sorda and all of the rest of us victims of a deranged and twisted thug - yes, even those who have kept the evidence such as abusive, drunken rants left on his answer phone as one person has (despite the grovelling phone call to please forget it the next day) - is this.

According to this same police sergeant if the Jersey police did act against the cyber thugs and abusers who threaten and/or post anonymous, cowardly lies and hate about those they have fixations on then the  police would apparently 'also have to act' against those the very same police have left no other alternative by their failures but to 'out' such bullies themselves in the hope that this might put an end to the years of harassment!

What a truly great advert for Jersey policing. Not.

Of course the question also has to be asked as to how an Attorney General can manipulate his mandate up from simply deciding on prosecutions ONCE evidence has been presented in a police case all the way to now - apparently - issuing instructions as to who or what will be investigated and pursued by the police per se?  Incidentally I should point out here that my conversation with the police sergeant was witnessed in full so I do hope there will be no Haworth-like attempts to re-write history or recordings going missing now that I am spelling this shocking development out.

A compulsive liar exposed yet again

But getting back to Mr Haworth he has over the years made countless bogus and malicious complaints about me myself - a tactic he has also now sought to employ with the Sordas' case. This is of course a well known phenomena where the bully attempts to muddy the waters and deflect from his or her own abusive/anti-social behaviour - and thus avoid having to face up to his or her actions - by trying to portray themselves as the victim instead.

For example, as well as having made bogus complaints to a whole raft of other offices about me including to the Police; Data Protection Commissioner; the Judiciary and even to the Home Affairs Minister the details of  one of the complaints Haworth sought to waste the time of the .Privileges & Procedures Committee with about me is well worth recounting here simply for the light it sheds on the reality that he is beyond doubt a manipulative and compulsive liar.

Exposed again by his own mouth

You see here having failed with a groundless complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner - an individual Haworth has actually bragged to me (witnessed) he is good friends with (another fantasy?) - he somehow persuaded her to parcel up his failed complaint and pass it forward on his behalf to PPC! Why she would do this - it is clearly not her job - I can only guess? But what is so revealing is that within again trying to play the victim in his complaint Haworth stated - in writing - that he apparently both did 'not know' me and had 'no interest' in my politics.

Ludicrous of course - Haworth had been witnessed stumbling up to me to brag about who he was and what he did on more than one occasion. Yet given that all complaints have to initially be taken seriously by PPC I decided it was best to take along a Third Party as a witness to starkly demonstrate his lies for what they were.

A member of the public in fact who could tell the Committee the rather different truth about Haworth: i.e. that far from being a victim who had 'no interest' in me or my politics Mr Jon Sharrock Haworth was in fact so obsessed and fixated with me as a politician that he would phone this individual up on a daily basis - sometimes making multiple calls in the same day - to rant and rave about... yes, you guessed - Deputy Trevor Pitman and his politics!

Just who is monitoring the application of the Data Protection Law in Jersey?

Yet to return to the profoundly serious breach apparent in Haworth's bragging that he knew what was in Mr and Mrs Sorda's Income Tax return I believe you further have to ask what exactly is the point of Jersey's much-vaunted Data Protection Law in the first place? We have after all seen - time and time again - how it is not applied consistently and is even used in ways for which it was demonstrably never intended. To give but three brief examples for the uninitiated:

Ex-Senator Syvret gets taken to a secret court by manipulation of this law in a way that has even drawn comment at Westminster. Ironically, a share along with three others in almost half-a-million pounds of taxpayers' money being made available to the very same abuser of Mrs Sorda - Jon Sharrock Haworth to help bring this prosecution about. In Haworth's case simply because he didn't like what can, in reality, now be seen quite clearly to be the stark truth about his threatening, abusive behaviour being published by the former Senator on his blog.

Deputy Sean Power - yet again!

Deputy Sean Power on the other hand - who equally ironically Haworth claims was supplying him with personal information on Mrs Sorda (surely a genuine case for PPC to investigate?) -  is in contrast caught out stealing personal emails from a female States Member. Yet not only does he escape being charged by the police with theft he is found guilty only of a 'regulatory' Data Protection breach by the DPC! Just what a mere 'regulatory' breach is, of course, the States were never to find out thanks to the doggedly repeated gobbledygook spouted week after week by Senator Gorst and his Assistant Minister with 'Data Protection Law responsibility' Senator Paul Routier!

Finally, as a third example, only this year Shona and I were to ourselves experience another clear and deeply serious breach of the Jersey Data Protection Law (not to mention a breach of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights). This being when the local ITV (Channel television) wholly illegally broadcast unfinalised claims details from our Desastre case. This breach of the law is a documented fact - yet despite this the Data Protection Office took no action whatsoever.

I thus repeat: like so many other 'laws' here in Jersey thanks to our politicised judiciary and subservient agencies these are only pursued according to who you are. And as is equally well documented all of this unfolds again and again right under the gaze of the very UK Justice Ministry who are actually constitutionally obliged to intervene but instead enable and clearly condone it by their silence.

Which leads me to a final question.

Just when will the UK Justice Ministry finally step in and demand that Jersey's laws are applied fairly and to all - rather than being manipulated by our so-called 'justice' system as a tool of oppression to hound and abuse any who are deemed as critics of the local Establishment - or as we are now even seeing against individuals who simply have the misfortune to be family members or friends of such critics?

For in direct regard to the case of Jon Sharrock Haworth's abuse of Mrs Sorda and so many others: what would happen, I ask, if  recordings similar to those by which Rico Sorda finally exposed the truth about Haworth's behaviour were found to include threats of actual physical harm rather than only psychological harassment?

After all, as well as the victim who retained abuse left on his answer phone I am already aware of a complainant who told me that in 2012 he had contacted the police to state that Mr Haworth had phoned him to threaten he was coming to kill him. The police once again had apparently done nothing.

Would hard evidence of such violent intentions as claimed above  be 'serious' enough for our Attorney General - and the police he is now apparently able to instruct to a degree so far in excess of his true mandate - to finally act upon I wonder? Or would the victim of the threats be arrested and charged instead for having dared to reveal them? Perhaps with an additional charge of wasting police time over 'playground stuff' being thrown in for good measure?

If it was the latter then I suggest it really would be time all the pretence of democracy and justice in Jersey was abandoned for good and our Establishment start dusting down the Jackboots in our museums.

Keep the faith.

And thanks once again to all the many, many thousands of you who have taken the time to read this blog over the past three years. Your support has been greatly appreciated. Yes - this may be the end of the Bald Truth Jersey blog but unlike my original intentions it also marks a new beginning. 

For a brand new blog also featuring input from two key Jersey industry insiders will be launched before the end of next week. A brief message advising of its imminent first post and where to find the new blog will appear here the day before the launch takes place. And come April 6th next year... a most interesting development indeed...


  1. A long but truly brilliant piece. So glad you are back. So sad the Bald Truth is to be no more. But looking forward to this new project you mention. Sounds really intriguing. I just hope Mrs Sorda gets the support she deserves after what must have been a truly horrific experience. All the other victims too.

  2. As an Islander intersted in the various perspectives on local news, i myself have also read Rico's story, as well as your's Trevor.
    I'm sure you both have more than enough past experience of dealing with Jon to realise that he is a rather harmless internet troll, and are aquainted with the term, 'don't feed the troll'.
    Of course, sure, there have been some potentially serious concerns raised, but do you guys honestly feel that your lives are at risk i ask? Yes, we can delve deep and start questioning the 'Jersey way', but that can be dealt with seperately should you decide to.
    Please don't misunderstand me, i'm not trying to make excuses for the guy, but i'm sure you're well aware that dealing with the flak is all part and parcel of the mission you're on, and frankly inescapable. Is it not?

    1. Even targeting family members for the spreading of his lies? Even targeting women who have done nothing other than reject the bully - an example being, I believe, the women Haworth talks of killing on Rico Sorda's blog? 'Harmless'? I think not.

  3. When you read this post in conjunction with Rico Sorda's latest blog you realise just how sick and evil this individual is. Obsessed with other peoples lives and wanting to harm them.

    It is very telling that the police display the attitude you report because in Ricos' recording Haworth goes on again and again about how Rico should go to them because they will do nothing. Protected you would have to think.

    You might think that given you had exposed his lies and obsession with you at PPC he might have learned a lesson like he needed to do something positive with his life?

    In this context I think your final question about whether Haworth also makes physical threats of violence to people is pretty scary given what is at the end of Rico's post. Threatening to kill someone!

    Does the poor potential murder victim know of this I wonder? The attitude of the police that comes across from yours and Rico's blogs is absolutely disgraceful. This man needs enforced help and quickly ideally to be given while locked up in a secure unit perhaps?

  4. Police must be protecting this bully. Shocking stuff.

  5. Shame to see a great local blog go. But onwards and upwards as the saying goes. Says such a lot that you exposed Haworth as a liar way back through PPC. What is wrong with this island and our authorities?

  6. I think its hilarious.
    He says he was winding you up because he never trusted McMurray and you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.
    So Rico has been given a Police caution, now that is interesting, who are the real stalkers in all this?

    1. The above is from the troll himself. I kept it back until I had checked it out. Even though I knew I didn't need to.

      Also happens to be exactly what the troll's avatars are saying as he seeks to wriggle out of responsibility for his harassment of Mrs Sorda.

      Still, good to see some of his fellow travellers now having their eyes opened what with him being caught out attributing lies to them.

      Very sick and twisted> But the truth is the police are also failing him by not ensuring he is made to get treatment.

  7. Jersey police refusing to act against evidenced thugs who even threaten to kill people! What a great advert for Financial centre Jersey.

  8. What a horrible, sordid island you have to live in. Seems like it is a bully's paradise. This man should be in prison and would be anywhere else. That the UK do not step in says it all.

    1. I understand the sentiment but it must be stated that Jersey in itself is not horrible or sordid - the Island is beautiful with a lot of lovely, genuine people.

      The problem is those at the top who in desperation to hang on to power are happy to make use of whatever methods necessary.

      As to the last two sentences - yes, I couldn't agree more on both.

  9. Wasn't this the bloke who did the death threat against Stuart Syvret's landlord and yet only got six months on probation? Mad as a barrel of frogs if you ask me.

    How does he get away with it? Said before but I'll say it again. We need some questions on why the police aer not fulfilling their duty In the States.

    1. Yes. Same individual. And yes, questions do need to be asked in the States.

      Because otherwise, just as the late Malcolm X warned about newspapers back in the 1960s, our political 'elite' will attempt to cover this up by turning the victims into the oppressors.

  10. Wow. It's disturbing to see that anyone would attempt to minimise the behaviour described as "harmless" by your commenter at 8:46.There is a clear difference between someone who is a mere bully, trying to 'wind up' those he has disagreements with and a criminal stalker who threatens innocent people with ruined careers and even death. Sadly, that tactic of reframing it as harmless seems poised to be used as the official excuse for permitting Jon Hawarth's criminality to continue.

    This targeting of private families with recorded death threats, and attempts to destroy the career of a fragile pregnant woman render meaningless any denial of the harm done by a stalker who has been supported by government agencies, including Data Protection and the police department, as well as some politicians. Hawarth's obsessive criminality does not meet any neutral definition of "harmless," nor would it be tolerated in jurisdictions with accepted modern law enforcement.

    Years of evidence in the public domain point to this criminal as a mentally ill man who has been used repeatedly by others to oppress political dissidents in Jersey, presumably to protect its reputation. The net result, so far, has been to expose Jersey as a place where police and government sanctioned criminal thuggery are used as a tool of retaliation against those who voice routine and normal criticisms of political or public policy. No one outside Jersey would fail to see it as a failure on the part of the Jersey authorities to support normal rule of law.

    The net result of his threats has damaged whatever pretense of good governance the troll's sponsors hope he is helping them defend. The fact that Data Protection has not quickly responded to this evidenced violation of tax form privacy, is another black eye for Jersey. How can the authorities not see this?


    1. You put it all very eloquently, Elle. No doubt you will be getting more abuse from the cyber bully soon?

    2. Thank you, Trevor, and of course I expect to be trolled for my statement. I'll wear it proudly, as a banner of affiliation with those who are on the side of fairness and justice.

      Obviously, I am in a far less vulnerable position than someone on the island who could face the government sponsored thug's retaliation for expressing an unflattering of the troll's masters. You and Shona, Stuart, Rico and Rico's wife have been placed in harm's way because to some degree, this criminal stalker continues to be assisted and protected by elements of a lawless rogue government. I admire your courage.


  11. Reading your expose here and listening to Rico's recordings before comparing with the garbage from Haworth himself on Facebook I have to say he comes across as an even bigger bull-sh***er than Jay from the Inbetweeners

  12. It seems attempts have been made to hack into and interfere with comments. Reporting this now.

  13. Nice to get even more public support when out tonight. Not least because it shows yet again that more and more the truth about the way the law and justice is perverted here in Jersey is getting out there.

  14. Can I just say thanks for your Bald Truth blogs over the years. Alternative, honest media of the sort you, Stuart, Rico and Voice provide is worth its weight in gold. That said really looking forward to learning more about the promised new venture.

    1. Thanks. I look forward to having two very useful industry insiders on the new project who, though likely not doing as much of the writing, will be providing regular 'bullets' of inside info.

  15. ++Wow. It's disturbing to see that anyone would attempt to minimise the behaviour described as "harmless" by your commenter at 8:46.There is a clear difference between someone who is a mere bully, trying to 'wind up' those he has disagreements with and a criminal stalker who threatens innocent people with ruined careers and even death.++


    This is a tricky one because you are basing that on a sneakily and secretly recorded phone call. That isn't admissable evidence as others have said, and neither was it a direct threat. He may have been serious or just talking rubbish to get a reaction from the recipient. (He also sounded drunk on that phone recording, and we all know how drunk people act- so in fairness, who can say for sure?)

    Whatever, anyone who reads local blogs will 'know of him', causing issues from time to time, but i must also say that these bloggers also have the power to moderate, and NOT post his comments on their blog sites, but it also appears that some bloggers seem to enjoy making a case of doing just that so that they can then create the excuse to slate him online.

    It looks like this troll is just someone who gets some kicks out of annoying bloggers with their different views on Island life to those that he/his lot, is aligned to.
    I'm simply trying to clarify the 'knee jerk' reaction from the facts, not making excuses for the guy, he's obviously overstepped the mark previously, and seems slightly mad to be so persistent to say the least, especially since he's already been in serious trouble.
    But if you're looking for the real one to blame i doubt it's him, as Rico knows this himself, and often says, 'he's not stopping untill he gets to the truth'-he knows that it lies deeper.

    1. With due respect I was say that I find your defence of the indefensible slightly suspicious.

      There is simply no way that a person spreading truly despicable lies all over the internet using bogus Facebook accounts and the same on Twitter can be viewed as harmless.

      Remember these lies spread by the troll cannot be said in any shape nor form to just be annoying.

      He strives to try and discredit, smear and cause as much distress as possible to people he hates simply because of his own inadequacy and failure to do anything positive with his life or for others.

      He even abuses those who are simply family members of people he has become fixated upon. As for who to blame - there is only the troll himself - and the police and judicial system who have allowed him to continue to abuse people because it suits there purposes to have those victims attacked.

      Indeed, one can only imagine what your attitude would be if it was your loved ones being smeared and abused. I would wager your feelings might be rather different.

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks. Another post of the usual high standard giving facts the DAM - Jersey's Discredited Accredited Media always keep from us.

  17. No excuses can be made for the actions of Mr Haworth. Period. The recordings on Rico's blog and the fact the police have still failed to act show just how right you are in your assessment. We need United Kingdom intervention. Or a United Nations taskforce!

  18. How can a man be heard clearly stating that he 'has plans' for a person he has just stated he wants to kill and yet Jersey's police force does nothing? The answer lies in the fact that they gave this man our money effectively to take Stuart Syvret to court and are quite happy that he be free to keep abusing those people like Stuart, you and Shona and the bloggers who have stood up for what is right. Its a complete disgrace.

  19. ++With due respect I was say that I find your defence of the indefensible slightly suspicious.

    There is simply no way that a person spreading truly despicable lies all over the internet using bogus Facebook accounts and the same on Twitter can be viewed as harmless.++

    That's a fair point Trevor, especially now that you've made that known. Nobody deserves that.

  20. Having a few strange incidents with comments seemingly going missing. So if you have posted only to find your comment has either been ignored or even vanished into cyber space once you clicked send please feel free to try again.

  21. I really cannot believe the utter hokum being spouted by Mr Haworth on Rico's blog. Really, reading this you have to think the man is living in La-La land. Does he really think his attempts to transfer all of his hateful doings against others into attacks on he and his own wife are in any way credible? They are not. The threats made by him I the recording make one shudder. And learning that our police have done nothing - probably at the intervention of the Attorney General who gave the go ahead for Haworth to take Syvret to court make one fear for personal safety. This island is run by the corrupt and more power to the elbows of you few who stand up against it all.

  22. Your a star Trev and Jersey is a more vulnerable place without you doing your dam best to hold the spivs and bull sh***rs to account.

    There again this latest blog is top notch. You are inspiring many of us to keep the faith, even if we don't have your TF.

  23. Trevor.

    Live interview with former Health Minister, Stuart Syvret, recorded and on Youtube HERE.

  24. Tried posting several times. One final effort. Maybe God telling you to get this new joint blog up, Trevor? Good luck with it.

  25. Can I just say thanks for all of those PMing me about problems with comments not showing up. As I said previously - feel free to send again or just wait for the brand new joint blog launch which now looks to be going live on Tuesday. A short post advising details will appear on here the day before confirming. Thanks.

  26. Can I also say many thanks to Jon and Mick for their plethora of drunken abusive rants. I will not of course be bothering to publish them. A fact I hope they will finally take on board as doing so will surely leave then far more time to get plastered and talk garbage to each other.

  27. You say new blog will be launched on Tuesday. Can you give any more details? I'm already hearing that you have a person from Jersey finance involved. Is this correct?

    1. Yes, it does now look like Tuesday morning. The reasons being ill-health and the need for the three of us to do the final co-ordination.

  28. Another question for you. Have you seen this youngish lawyer who is standing? He suggests CVs should be issued by all candidates. Interesting idea in my opinion because his own is not exactly impressive. Would this move put people off?

    1. I personally did include a relevant CV as this certainly is useful to the electorate in trying to understand where a candidate is coming from/what he or she has to offer in RELEVANT past experience.

      I have to say, however, that I would not be interested in knowing what every candidate has done or worked at since leaving school - maybe several decades ago!

      What is valuable as I say is evidence of a commitment to doing work of benefit to the community and the skills that will have necessitated.

      Simply stating how much money one might have made - notice I don't say 'earnt' - perhaps from being a massively overpaid Jersey lawyer would not be of much value in my view.

      As to the individual candidate you refer to I have to agree: his CV says very little which would make me consider voting for him. But to also be fair this may be because he is comparatively young.

      In such cases I would want to know about community involvement as well but particularly info on their beliefs and principles. Sam Mezec was a good positive example here.

  29. Finally for the night. Hello yet again, Jon. I still will not be publishing your desperate tripe and you really need to try and remember what you have posted to me countless times before pretending to be someone else. But I too am looking forward to the next blog post from Rico Sorda.

  30. The new joint blog I am fronting will be 'live' as of 12 lunchtime tomorrow. Meanwhile...dear Jon - I am really pleased that you now tell me you are a KIWI! Personally I always agreed with those who see you more as a sour little grape or a bitter lemon. Bye-bye you won't be missed - the new blog is to be a Troll Free Zone...
