- Never mind facts – Once again the sheep have nothing to say but vote to discriminate against the ordinary taxpayer anyway…
- The real reason why the Scrutiny panel are resigning…
- The biggest bully and manipulator in Jersey politics complains to the IOD about… ‘declining’ standards of behaviour…
- Citizens’ Media - Senatorial candidate Ted Vibert launches his new blog…
Maybe its just the knock on effect of having spent five out of the past six weeks in the States Chamber (well, unless your name is Ben ‘Empty Seat’ Shenton who has probably spent around only two?) listening to the likes of Philip Ozouf argue that black is white and white is black - but regardless of the above headlines I will start this ‘round-up’ post with the last story first.
Judging by the example of Saturday’s totally one-sided and wholly misleading JEP coverage of my 1 (1) K amendments debate there really couldn’t be better timing for one of Jersey politics larger-than-life characters to launch a new blog. Citizens’ Media continues to grow and with Jersey the way it is currently that just has to be a positive thing.
Of course, my good friend former Senator Ted Vibert was actually the politician who really started the whole blog phenomenon rolling in terms of Jersey politics, way back before the 2005 elections, so he is hardly a newcomer to the scene. But as readers know I have a lot of time for Ted. I was proud to have his endorsement for the 2008 elections and will be returning the compliment this time around just as proudly.
Do I agree with him on everything? Absolutely not. Indeed, sometimes we disagree completely. But one thing is absolutely certain: if we are to save Jersey from the two-tier society Abyss into which Senator Ozouf and his cronies are frantically frog-marching us Ted Vibert is a man we most definitely need back in the States.
Indeed, along with Senator Francis Le Gresley and Dr. Mark Forskitt, Ted is the only one of the Senatorial candidates declared thus far worth a vote. In fact the others should all be avoided like the plague! Ted says what he thinks and love him or loath him he is in politics for all the right reasons. Hey, with just a little bit of poetic justice come October he could even be sitting in the seat right next to the Machiavellian One himself! Worth a seat in the public gallery on its own!
Check out Ted’s views via the link above….

No matter that not a single one of the Minister’s sycophants rose to try and debunk my arguments. No matter that not a one stood to dismantle the analysis of Ha-Joon Chang I used for reference i.e. that the myth that giving the rich a bigger slice of the pie automatically makes all the rest of richer as a result was just that – a myth. No matter that not a one, including the great champion of Greed Appeasement himself, could tell us how, under his policy, Jersey’s authorities could ever hope to track down and verify the hidden away world-wide income of such wealthy individuals.
No. In a states Chamber dominated by people who care nothing for the average man and woman of Jersey none of this counts for anything. All that matters were the usual scare tactics that go hand-in-hand with such Greed Appeasement: i.e. that if the very wealthiest were asked to pay the same rate of tax as the rest of us they would all up sticks and leave.
Now, I’ll be doing a major piece of all of this fairly soon so for now I’ll just finish with this. Having already exposed the usually desperately kept secret when I ‘outed’ Assistant Treasury Minister’s admittance that in reality The Council of Ministers know full well that: ‘of course the 1 (1) K policy is immoral’ one of the biggest laughs of the debate came when the other political non-entity that is an Assistant Treasury Minister – the Constable of St. Peter – tried to be clever and criticise me for not having done as much local research for my amendments as his boss.
Trouble was, having wasted £60.000 + of taxpayers’ money on commissioning an ‘independent’ report actually undertaken by a firm whose business is…promoting tax breaks and the like for ‘High Net Value Individuals’ Senator Ozouf’s ‘research actually came down to what was brilliantly exposed by Deputy Shona Pitman…
Yup, the Minister had actually based all his arguments on the ‘evidence’ of chatting to two 1 (1) K residents and a taxi driver! My amendments? Well, not only had I based mine on actual FACTS from economists and what is happening elsewhere in places such as Switzerland, I had also run my proposals by nearly forty ordinary members of the public to get their views. Better still I had – much to my amusement I admit – also spoken to twice as many 1 (!) Ks as the illustrious Minister had done!
But hey…facts…what do they count for when you hear the likes of Deputy Rondel complaining that people who will now only have to pay 1% tax - even on the staggering near £100.0000.000 deal I used as an example – are being discriminated against by politicians debating such policy in the States! Who in the Council of Ministers cares that if 1 (1) k s paid even what they should we could reduce GST by a full 1%?
As someone used to say – you really couldn’t make it up!
When Jersey’s mainstream media can actually give time to Senator Philip Ozouf to attack other States Members over ‘declining standards’ of behaviour you really do know that the world has gone mad. That or simply that the JEP is even more ‘partisan’ in its support of the proponents of the two-tier society than even some of us ‘Progressives’ thought.
Put quite bluntly Senator Ozouf is the worst example of someone who resorts to personality politics; manipulation and, in my view, blatant attempts at political bullying you could ever meet. And yet here we see this pathetic hypocrite having the front to run off to the IOD to pretend that he is the great champion of political standards! Honestly, reading this story I really felt like reaching for the sick bucket.
As anyone who observes the States regularly will know a favourite tactic of Philip Ozouf’s is to try and rubbish a politician’s proposals by insultingly belittling them. He does this week in and week out. How many times have we heard the classic putdown of an individual apparently being ‘in need of one of his tutorials?’ Indeed, this is a ploy he usually adopts when facing challenges on taxation to cover up that he is usually talking out of the seat of his pants.
No hard facts. No taking apart the other person’s argument. No. Just sneering, elitist putdowns – usually backed up with the moronic foot-stomping of the right-wing political living dead who blindly follow him. And the Senator even has the gall to say that I am often too hard on him!
Then again…this is a ‘Minister for Treasury & Resources’ who dismisses and refuses my suggestion he consider reading award-winning economist Ha-Joon Chang because he apparently sounds ‘too wacky!’ My God, if the ordinary working people of Jersey don’t turn out to vote in October it really will be a case of the last one out of the Island turn the lights off!
Senator Ozouf is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most effective political manipulators I have ever seen. Indeed. just like the previous Chief Minister readers should also be on their guard to the fact that here is yet another of the Establishment Party frantically setting up stooges to try and get them elected in October as if they were ‘independents’ in order to try and hold on to power. But more on all of this in the near future.
Look out for my 1 (1) K referendum proposition to be debated in September. I mean…if the entire public is behind Senator Ozouf’s policy what’s the problem?
Just a few words on this and I do so simply to put the record straight. As anyone who has followed reports within the mainstream media cannot fail to have noticed the Scrutiny resignation is being ‘spun’ as a ‘toys out of the pram’ walkout due to Senator Ian Le Marquand’s two-faced manoeuvring around the issue of the Prison Board of Visitors Report recommendations. Significant as these shenanigans were the fact is these were not the key issues.
No doubt being spun to save the Senator’s already tattered reputation the reality is that his appalling arrogance in assuming that he could bully and dictate his own choices for membership of such a crucial Scrutiny review was the real breaking point. Such behaviour simply can’t be accepted within a democracy. Senator Le Marquand wanted me removed at all costs. He wanted Deputy Tadier out. He also wasn’t happy with Deputy Wimberley.
Just re-read the staggering arrogance of his letter to me attached to my earlier post. The ‘problem’ is apparently that a panel could have three politicians who had reached ‘different’ conclusions than he had on a - related in theme – but actually wholly separate issue. Not only this, but if I dared to reject his ultimatum he would have ‘no choice’ but run off to the Chairmen’s Committee! You have to ask the question: why is he so desperate to manipulate who can review the way this report was carried out?
Fortunately, some of us just don’t do being bullied. For the bald truth of the matter is that if we ever reach a situation where the Executive really can also dictate who scrutinizes them then democracy in Jersey is, to put it quite bluntly, finished. This is, of course, the ultimate goal of the Establishment Party
We simply mustn’t let it happen.
Keep the faith.